How to Hold GREAT Safety Meetings – These meetings don’t suck anymore!


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How to Hold GREAT Safety Meetings – These meetings don’t suck anymore!©
ISBN 978-0-9737485-5-0
MBQ Solutions Inc.
64 pages

31 in stock



How to Hold GREAT Safety Meetings!

Chances are good that your last safety meeting wasn’t outstanding, awesome or fabulous. There’s a very good chance that you would NOT describe it as the “best meeting you’ve ever attended”. Well, you’re not alone. The overwhelming majority of people when asked say that their safety meetings fall very short of these descriptions. In fact, some describe their safety meetings as some of the absolute worst they have had to attend. These “bad meetings” are all too common. They are a function of well-meaning people, wanting to make it safe where they work, but just not knowing how to hold a GREAT safety meeting.

There are ways to have Great Safety Meetings. Meetings that people want to go to. Meetings that get things accomplished and have the participants feel good because these meetings were a good use of their time and effort. It’s going to take some reflection; a bit of hard work and some trial and error but your organization can start having GREAT safety meetings.


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